Thursday, September 10, 2009

Journal 1: Online Learning- NETS V

Coyle, S., Jones, T., & Pickle, S.K. (2009). From Alaska to Arkansas, Districts are Experimenting with Online Learning to Solve Access Problems. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved September 9, 2009 from

This article takes a look at three different ways that online learning programs are being used in school systems today. Whether the online systems are being employed in a small school district or throughout many districts, online learning is becoming a useful tool for both teachers and students. Within this article three different perspectives were shared. First, the Yukon-Koyukuk School District (YKSD) in Alaska uses online learning to put teachers into virtual classrooms. Their district covers a large distance between their many schools, and through online learning, students throughout the district can receive instruction. The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) use online learning a little differently than YKSD. BCPS make it possible for students to take courses when it is convenient for them. Some students have busy schedules and online courses provide the opportunity for students to be enrolled in courses. Like BCPS, online learning in Arkansas allows the same flexibility in class scheduling and permits students to take advantage of specialized courses. Online learning allows the students to learn how to effectively use technology. In all three situations online learning has improved achievement and success among the students, and has not only allowed the staff to be flexible, but has also helped to better meet the needs of the individual student.

How can students’ technology skills increase by being enrolled in online courses?
When a student is enrolled in online courses the student is forced to acquire new technology skills. Students will learn how to communicate with their teacher and other students through the use of e-mail, blogging, discussion boards and other social networking sites. Enrollment in an online course will not only educate the student in the course material but will also enable the student to gain useful technology skills as well.

As a (future) teacher, how can I encourage my students to become interested in online learning?
As a teacher, I can encourage my students to enroll in online courses by showing them classes that would be fun to enroll in. I can also teach them how important it is to have solid technology skills. In addition to students gaining technology skills, I can suggest courses that would help supplement additional information to the course I am teaching.

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