Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Journal 4: All Aboard! Integrating Technology through Curriculum Review- NETS V

Carpenter, D., & Carpenter M. (2008). All Aboard! Integrating Technology through Curriculum Review. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(4), Retrieved September 29,2009 from


This particular article is very relevant to the things we are currently learning in our technology class. This article addresses how classroom teachers can appropriately incorporate technology use in their own classrooms. It is the goal to implement 21st century skills into classroom instruction when it is deemed appropriate and relevant to the material that the students are learning. This article stresses that teachers are in charge of participating in creating their own curriculum. Working with a collaborative team, consisting of instructional technologists and library media specialists, teachers are able to adopt 21st century skills into their curriculum. One of the goals of incorporating technology skills into the classroom is that teachers wanted to build upon students’ prior knowledge. They wanted to help the students learn new things. Teachers that worked to incorporate technology were not only able to help their students develop new skills, but they were also able to personally use planning templates and instructional strategies. One of the things that I found interesting about this article was that teachers were able to use electronic portfolios as well. This article gave many examples of both teachers and students expressing positive attitudes towards using the internet in their classes. Students were able to use the internet, wiki, photo essays, podcasts, and Flash when learning their course material. In using these technology tools both teachers and students felt that their learning was enhanced.

How can I incorporate technology in my (future) class?

I liked that one teacher used electronic portfolios to access their students. Using electronic profiles seems like a quick and effective way to evaluate student work. I also like the idea of being able to use planning templates to help with classroom lessons.

With technology being used more and more each day will there ever be a time when elementary school students will be required to bring their own personal laptops to class?

Since teachers have been using technology more in their classrooms I can’t help but wonder if every student will someday have their own personal computer. It is interesting to think that there may come a time when elementary school students are submitting their spelling words electronically.

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