Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Intro Letter of Shannon Gemmell

Hi! My name is Shannon Rose Gemmell . As a California native, I was born in Long Beach, and spent the first 12 years of my life in Victorville, CA. For my elementary schooling, grades k-6, I attended Puesta Del Sol. When 12, my family moved to Springfield, VA and that's where I spent my middle school years and my first year of high school. While in Virginia I attended Hayfield Middle School and Washington Irving. Oddly enough, my mascot from Washington Irving was the Headless Horseman, creepy but appropriate. My freshman year of high school I attended Robert E. Lee High School and loved it. After my freshman year my family moved back to California and I spent grades 10-12 at Fallbrook Union High School. After graduating from Fallbrook High I went to Brigham Young University-Idaho and got a bachelors degree in Sociology. Those were amazing years. I met some really incredible people and had the best roommates a girl could ask for. After I graduated from BYU-I, I moved back home to Fallbrook. Once back home I started attended a "single's ward" through my church. It is an organization of my church that is for Young Single Adults and that is where I met my husband Keith. We dated for about seven months and were married on August 8, 2008 (8-8-08)! Keith and I have a Scottish Terrier named Brodie; he is a handful but has a very sweet personality.

I would have to say that my experience with technology is pretty limited. I know how to do the basics but I am definitely not a technology whiz. I can create word documents and excel spreadsheets. I can e-mail, chat online, and maintain a Facebook page but I don't do much other than that. Oh yeah, I also know how to use my phone and digital camera too. I strongly depend on technology on a daily basis though. It's sad, but I can't go anywhere without my phone and I check my e-mail multiple times a day. I go a little crazy when I don't feel connected to the outside world. Anyway, I would have to say that since I have never used a Mac before this class that I am a PC person. I'm excited to get to know a Mac. Finally, I am currently using the Office 07 version of Microsoft Office. I was a little intimidated by the changes at first but I have now found that it is very easy to navigate around.

When applying to the College of Education the mission statement was actually not a reason why I applied to the school, but since I have had the opportunity to read it through a few times I have found that I really like what it stands for. In reading the College of Education Mission Statement there are actually a lot of topics and values that I value myself, but one factor particularly stands out to me. The part of the statement that I like says that it will prepare thoughtful educators. Throughout my learning years I have felt that some of my teachers didn't have much thought to offer and made the class and or subject very uninteresting. As a future teacher I need to always keep my mind actively involved and engaged. I need to seek out new ideas and be open to other peoples' opinions. In always keeping my mind active I need to commit myself to being a life-long learner; and that is another point of the mission statement that I like. The College of Education is committed to life-long learning and I want to inspire those around me to be life-long learners as well. Individuals become more interesting when they have educated thoughts and one only becomes a better person through life-long learning.


  1. I also like the part in the mission statement about lifelong learning..really does make you a better person. It doesn't even matter who you are or what your learning..just important to never stop!

  2. I also did not apply to CSUSM because of the mission statement, but after reading it I agree with you about the importance of having thoughtful educators. I have also had teachers that made a very interesting topics not interesting, and I think that teachers should not only provide students with information but they should do it in a way that makes the students want to learn about it.

  3. Hello, Shannon.
    Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary! What a nice picture of you and your husband.
    Technology is a wonderful tool for information acquisition and communication, although I think in some ways, it has created a "language" barrier between the older and younger generations. Yet, there is no way to continue living and learning without it.
    It was nice meeting you in class last Tuesday. See you soon.
    Enjoy your holiday!

  4. Hi Shannon! I agree that growing up subjects were not always meeting their full potential leaving students uninterested. I feel that committing ourselves as lifelong learners we can make our classrooms the best they can be.

  5. awww you and your husband are so cute!!!
    i love your pictures!!!

  6. Hola Shannon! Congrats on your Wed :) I can relate to you when it comes to limited technology knowledge; I also don't have experience with Mac. I'm excited to learn about Mac as well! I agree with you on the notion of "will prepare thoughtful educators." I as well had teachers that didn't offer thought. As a future teacher, I look forward in being enthusiastic, motivating and engaging.

  7. Hi Shannon! I grew up in Long Beach haha but congrats on your wedding and year anniversary! When I was growing up I also had teachers that did not seem to like what they were doing and it made the class a bit boring. I believe we all should have an interest in what we do and make teaching an enjoyable experience!

  8. I am glad that there are others out there that have limited experience when it comes to computers. I was a little worried at first. Congrats on your one year anniversary. I agree with what you said about the mission statement. I think you should definitely keep an open mind to others opinions, it could really make for a better experience in the classroom.

  9. Shannon!!! I loved how were practically a nomad during your k-12 years of schooling.... I just had to mention that. haha. but anyways.. i think if you can't live without your phone, then you're pretty high tech with technology. but I do have to agree with you, I have nothing without my sidekick lx!
