Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wiki page- NETS II, IV, V

Visiting an already existing wiki page I was able to research some interesting webtools that educators can use in their classroom. Once I found a tool that I found interesting, I created my own wiki page and used that page to describe the new cool tool. The tool that I chose to write about on my page was eQuizzer. eQuizzer is a tool that teachers can use in the classroom. They can create quizzes for thier students to take online. In order for someone else to access this eQuizzer tool I created a weblink to this site from my wiki. Once I had finished creating my own wiki page I was able to comment to other students' wiki sites.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a very informative and nicely done wikipage, Shannon. The eQuizzer tool looks to be a useful one for all age levels and subject areas in quizzing for basic content knowledge and skills. This could be very useful for students in a classroom setting whenever they have "free" time, when the teacher has a 5-10 minute block of time to fill, or when the teacher has contracted laryngitis and needs to save her voice in the classroom. eQuizzer would also be useful for after-school tutorial sessions, or as an alternative to worksheet assignments for substitute teachers.
